About Me

My name is Moreno Feltresi, I live in Padua and I’ve been working with damask for 22 years; I’m a master of the Italian Cutlers Corporation (CIC), of the German Corporation (DMG) and I’m associated with the American Blademasters Society (ABS). In the years I won several category awards (Scarperia, Romano di Lombardia, Elfstyn) and absolute ones (Thiers and Bristol).

My Technique

I use a progressive patterning technique to create my final pattern, and I often use the mosaic technique. I never use passive assembling techniques, such as tubing or EDM.

My Lab

I built my lab in our home’s garden and it’s partially fueled by solar power. It has both indoor and outdoor spaces, and lots of machinery, some of which are historical, that I use in my work.